Event ManagementNode EventsNode EventOn this pageNode Event Description: The available event slots for a Node. This is just a demonstration record showing the signal slot names and callbacks. Usage: -- you can register for these events using codes like:node:slot("ActionEnd", function(action: Action, target: Node) print("Action end", action, target)end) ActionEnd Type: Node Event. Description: The ActionEnd slot is triggered when an action is finished. Triggers after node:runAction() and node:perform(). Signature: ["ActionEnd"]: function(action: Action, target: Node) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionactionActionThe finished action.targetNodeThe node that finished the action. TapFilter Type: Node Event. Description: The TapFilter slot is triggered before the TapBegan slot and can be used to filter out certain taps. Triggers after setting node.touchEnabled = true. Signature: ["TapFilter"]: function(touch: Touch) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptiontouchTouchThe touch that triggered the tap. TapBegan Type: Node Event. Description: The TapBegan slot is triggered when a tap is detected. Triggers after setting node.touchEnabled = true. Signature: ["TapBegan"]: function(touch: Touch) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptiontouchTouchThe touch that triggered the tap. TapEnded Type: Node Event. Description: The TapEnded slot is triggered when a tap ends. Triggers after setting node.touchEnabled = true. Signature: ["TapEnded"]: function(touch: Touch) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptiontouchTouchThe touch that triggered the tap. Tapped Type: Node Event. Description: The Tapped slot is triggered when a tap is detected and has ended. Triggers after setting node.touchEnabled = true. Signature: ["Tapped"]: function(touch: Touch) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptiontouchTouchThe touch that triggered the tap. TapMoved Type: Node Event. Description: The TapMoved slot is triggered when a tap moves. Triggers after setting node.touchEnabled = true. Signature: ["TapMoved"]: function(touch: Touch) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptiontouchTouchThe touch that triggered the tap. MouseWheel Type: Node Event. Description: The MouseWheel slot is triggered when the mouse wheel is scrolled. Triggers after setting node.touchEnabled = true. Signature: ["MouseWheel"]: function(delta: Vec2) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptiondeltaVec2The amount of scrolling that occurred. Gesture Type: Node Event. Description: The Gesture slot is triggered when a gesture is recognized. Triggers after setting node.touchEnabled = true. Signature: ["Gesture"]: function(center: Vec2, numFingers: integer, deltaDist: number, deltaAngle: number) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptioncenterVec2The center of the gesture.numFingersintegerThe number of fingers involved in the gesture.deltaDistnumberThe distance the gesture has moved.deltaAnglenumberThe angle of the gesture. Enter Type: Node Event. Description: The Enter slot is triggered when a node is added to the scene graph. Triggers when doing node:addChild(). Signature: ["Enter"]: function() Exit Type: Node Event. Description: The Exit slot is triggered when a node is removed from the scene graph. Triggers when doing node:removeChild(). Signature: ["Exit"]: function() Cleanup Type: Node Event. Description: The Cleanup slot is triggered when a node is cleaned up. Triggers only when doing parent:removeChild(node, true). Signature: ["Cleanup"]: function() KeyDown Type: Node Event. Description: The KeyDown slot is triggered when a key is pressed down. Triggers after setting node.keyboardEnabled = true. Signature: ["KeyDown"]: function(keyName: Keyboard.KeyName) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionkeyNameKeyboard.KeyNameThe name of the key that was pressed. KeyUp Type: Node Event. Description: The KeyUp slot is triggered when a key is released. Triggers after setting node.keyboardEnabled = true. Signature: ["KeyUp"]: function(keyName: Keyboard.KeyName) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionkeyNameKeyboard.KeyNameThe name of the key that was released. KeyPressed Type: Node Event. Description: The KeyPressed slot is triggered when a key is pressed. Triggers after setting node.keyboardEnabled = true. Signature: ["KeyPressed"]: function(keyName: Keyboard.KeyName) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptionkeyNameKeyboard.KeyNameThe name of the key that was pressed. AttachIME Type: Node Event. Description: The AttachIME slot is triggered when the input method editor (IME) is attached (calling node:attachIME()). Signature: ["AttachIME"]: function() DetachIME Type: Node Event. Description: The DetachIME slot is triggered when the input method editor (IME) is detached (calling node:detachIME() or manually closing IME). Signature: ["DetachIME"]: function() TextInput Type: Node Event. Description: The TextInput slot is triggered when text input is received. Triggers after calling node:attachIME(). Signature: ["TextInput"]: function(text: string) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptiontextstringThe text that was input. TextEditing Type: Node Event. Description: The TextEditing slot is triggered when text is being edited. Triggers after calling node:attachIME(). Signature: ["TextEditing"]: function(text: string, startPos: integer) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptiontextstringThe text that is being edited.startPosintegerThe starting position of the text being edited. ButtonDown Type: Node Event. Description: The ButtonDown slot is triggered when a game controller button is pressed down. Triggers after setting node.controllerEnabled = true. Signature: ["ButtonDown"]: function(controllerId: integer, buttonName: Controller.ButtonName) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptioncontrollerIdintegerThe controller id, incrementing from 0 when multiple controllers connected.buttonNameKeyboard.KeyNameThe name of the button that was pressed. ButtonUp Type: Node Event. Description: The ButtonUp slot is triggered when a game controller button is released. Triggers after setting node.controllerEnabled = true. Signature: ["ButtonUp"]: function(controllerId: integer, buttonName: Controller.ButtonName) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptioncontrollerIdintegerThe controller id, incrementing from 0 when multiple controllers connected.buttonNameKeyboard.KeyNameThe name of the button that was released. ButtonPressed Type: Node Event. Description: The ButtonPressed slot is triggered when a game controller button is being pressed down. Triggers after setting node.controllerEnabled = true. Signature: ["ButtonPressed"]: function(controllerId: integer, buttonName: Controller.ButtonName) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptioncontrollerIdintegerThe controller id, incrementing from 0 when multiple controllers connected.buttonNameKeyboard.KeyNameThe name of the button that was pressed. Axis Type: Node Event. Description: The Axis slot is triggered when a game controller axis changed. Triggers after setting node.controllerEnabled = true. Signature: ["Axis"]: function(controllerId: integer, axisValue: number) Parameters: ParameterTypeDescriptioncontrollerIdintegerThe controller id, incrementing from 0 when multiple controllers connected.axisValuenumberThe controller axis value ranging from -1.0 to 1.0.